Family Guy: Contentment Inspired the Tunes on Jack Johnson’s Latest Album From Here to Now to You
May 30, 2014
Family Guy: Contentment Inspired the Tunes on Jack Johnson’s Latest Album From Here to Now to You

Singer-songwriter Jack Johnson says he always tries to write about "what was really happening in my life." If that's the case, then life must be pretty good for the singer-songwriter. The songs on last year's From Here to Now to You have a real tenderness to them as Johnson sings about his love for his wife and kids. But we all know that happy songs aren't always the best songs and that's not lost on Johnson, a guy whose soft voice and delicate melodies make many of his songs sound like lullabies (and the whimsical tunes he wrote for the soundtrack for the 2006 film Curious George certainly fit that bill).

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