Celebrate Earth Month with the All At Once Community

Happy Earth Month! Earth Day is celebrated on April 22, but Earth Month is a month-long opportunity to focus on ways we can all take environmental action in our local communities and for planet earth. To kick-off Earth Month, Jack would like to shine the spotlight on our incredible All At Once community - created around the concept that individual action, multiplied by millions, creates global change.
Celebrate Earth Month with our All At Once Non-Profit Partners! Join a beach cleanup with Ocean Blue Project, a river stewardship event with Upper Deschutes Watershed Council or a habitat restoration with Tampa Bay Watch. Celebrate Earth Day with Raleigh City Farm, get involved with Galveston Bay Foundation, or join Surfrider Santa Barbara to support Ocean Friendly Restaurants. Join Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful for the Great Community Cleanup or support the Spring Dig-In with Growing Gardens. Volunteer and enter to win Jack Johnson tickets with Urban Farming Institute at a Florida pier cleanup, or with Growing Places Indy at their Earth Day garden volunteer day. Explore All At Once Non-Profit Partners to connect with a community group near you.