Jack and the Aloha Stadium go Plastic Free!

December 19, 2018

Photos by Tahnei Roy, K. Johnson, Jessica Scheeter, Erik Knutsen & Kizzy O’Neal

Jack caught the Plastic Free Wave at the Aloha Stadium! Thanks to everyone who came out to enjoy Jack’s show with the Eagles! Friends and local musicians Paula Fuga,Kawika Kahiapo, and John Cruz joined him on stage for several songs including John Cruz’s “Island Style”. The rains came down, but in true island style it didn’t stop fans from enjoying the music!

In an effort to reduce single-use plastic waste and pilot reusable cup programs, fans at the show were given a free Plastic Free Hawaiir.Cup that they could keep or return for reuse at future events. Plastic Free Hawaii water refill stations were available throughout the venue for fans to refill water for free. These r.Cups can be reused more than 100 times, and helped to prevent over 22,000 single-use plastic cups from entering the waste stream at this concert alone. Thanks to all of the amazing Plastic Free Hawaii volunteers from the Kōkua Hawai’i Foundation for helping to make this concert greening a success! Enjoy this video showcasing the Plastic Free Hawaii r.Cup!