Jack’s From Here To Now To You Tour Finale!

Monday night Jack’s From Here to Now to You World Tour wrapped up in Santa Barbara, California. The Labor Day weekend shows brought Jack and the band back to the world famous Santa Barbara Bowl where they ended an almost year and half tour. Thanks to all of the fans, family, and friends who came out to help make this tour an exceptional one. A very special shout out to all the openers of this last leg of the tour; Bahamas, ALO, Amos Lee, Matt Costa and friends Eddie Vedder, Money Mark, Kelly Slater, Rob Machado, Peff Eick, Josh Arroyo, Big Hats and Stewart Cole, Seth Ford-Young & Orpheo McCord from Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros for sharing the stage! We send out a special thank you to Jack’s crew for all their hard work and countless hours to make the shows special for all involved.
From Here To Now To You World Tour finale! Santa Barbara, CA
photo by Branden Aroyan - Low Tide Rising