Thanks for a Great & Green Tour!

December 19, 2018

In 2017-18 Jack toured around the globe to bring his All At Once social action campaign to more than 600,000 fans worldwide. We are proud to share some of the greening highlights included in our 2017-18 Impact Results.

  • Over $1.9 million was directed to 315All At OnceNon-Profit Partners
  • Over 100,000 Environmental Actions were taken by fans in the Village Green, including Capture Your Commitment pledges
  • 226 local farms were supported by a Farm to Stage catering program
  • Over 36,000 single-use plastic bottles were eliminated by providing free filtered drinking water at the All At Once Water Stations
  • More than 9615 gallons of recyclablesand over 1370 gallons of compostable food waste was collected at venues across the tour
  • Nearly 70,000 reusable Steely’s pint cups were sold or given to fansto reduce single-use plastic waste, eliminating the need for more than 200,000 single-use plastic cups
  • The tour partnered with local bike organizations to host Bike Valets at 22 concerts with over 1100 cyclists biking to the shows
  • Over 15 million pounds of carbonwere offset through support of Clean Energy Initiatives

We would like to thank all the companies, venues, and All At Once Non-Profit Partners we worked with along the way, with a special shout out to our greening partner REVERB. With your help we were able to turn our sustainability goals into a reality. In case you missed it, check out this new video clip highlighting the Reusable Pint Cup Program from Jack’s 2017-18 World Tour.

Thank you all!