Celebrate World Environment Day - June 5

World Environment Day is a UN flagship event encouraging worldwide action for the environment, celebrated in over 100 countries. The theme this year encourages sustainable consumption of resources, and challenges people around the world to share their dreams and pledges for a more sustainable planet at www.unep.org/wed.
Jack is encouraging fans to celebrate by getting involved with a local volunteer event or making a personal commitment for the environment. He is pledging to reduce his use of single-use plastics and to support businesses leading innovation in product design to reduce their plastic footprint.
On World Environment Day, Jack will be designated as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Environment Programme. Jack will collaborate with UNEP in promoting sustainable local food systems, reduction of food waste, and supporting plastic free initiatives.
As part of UNEP’s #7BillionDreams initiative, Jack shared his vision for a more sustainable future…
“My dream is of a pure ocean that continues to support life on this beautiful earth. In my dream waves carry energy, not marine debris, and high tide lines are filled with shells, not plastic."