Jack to Join 5 Gyres SEA Change Expedition Today

Jack set sail today aboard the Schooner Mystic, alongside 5 Gyres Institute crew and scientists, artists, and sustainable design experts, on the 5 Gyres SEA Change Expedition to study marine debris and raise awareness about plastics in the ocean. The research voyage will explore the edge of the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre where plastic pollution collects in high concentrations, and will promote plastic free solutions.
With support from the Johnson Ohana Charitable Foundation, 5 Gyres is also hosting the SEA Change Youth Summit, taking place June 5-7 at The Island School in the Bahamas, bringing together more than 75 local and international students to participate in hands-on activities, ranging from beach clean-ups and research to advocacy training. Learn more about the expedition and youth summit. #SeaChange #AAOPlasticFree