500 Volunteers Cleaned Coastlines in Australia & New Zealand

January 22, 2014
500 Volunteers Cleaned Coastlines in Australia & New Zealand

Thanks again to our incredible All At Once Non-Profit Partners in Australia and New Zealand! As part of our goal to connect fans with local non-profits and encourage hands-on volunteer events, we teamed up with the Tangaroa Blue Foundation and Sustainable Coastlines to coordinate and promote 6 beach clean-ups in 5 cities along Jack’s tour route last month.

These two amazing organizations, (together with local support from All At Once Non-Profit Partners Responsible Runners, Take 3, and the Two Hands Project) rallied over 500 volunteers to remove over 2150 pounds of trash from beaches and coastlines! Volunteers also collected data to be used in identifying sources of marine debris in an effort to find solutions to prevent trash from entering our oceans and waterways. Thanks again to these non-profits and to all the volunteers who participated in the events!